First of all thank-you for visiting my website. My name is Alan, I am the man behind AP Racing & have been a pro backer for just over 20 years. Believe me when I say, that you don’t last that long in this business if you don’t have a reliable network of contacts behind you. I certainly wouldn’t be where I am today without all the phone numbers I have stored. Reliable, trustworthy information is the backbone of my success.
I started AP Racing as it seemed like the most natural progression, I was already getting the information & backing the horses so it made perfect sense to me to set up a business to cover my costs, plus I really do enjoy helping others win money. It’s a great feeling when you receive emails from members thanking you for helping them buy or pay off whatever they needed to.
My Background
My experience in the world of racing, like many, goes right back to when I was a child & I was hooked straight away. I knew that when I grew up horse racing, or more importantly betting, was the business I wanted to be in.

School & education wasn’t really ‘my thing’ & I think I spent more time studying the form rather than any lesson work & I think I must’ve spent more time visiting local courses than sitting in lectures needless to say my time at University was short-lived & I continued to make a decent part-time wage from the horses. To cut a long story short I decided to become a full-time backer when I was 25.
Although I had been doing it anyway, it still seemed a scary move. After initial doubt my family & friends were always behind me, I think deep down they knew that I was never going to settle down with a “normal” job. Having the people that matter behind me made a huge difference.
I’m based up north now, which is ideal as I am central to a lot of race courses & training centres. I do spend some time at home watching the racing but I prefer to go on course for the social & networking side of the sport. It can be very lonely if you just stay in the office all day.
Like any self-employed person, I don’t get a company pension, sick pay or paid holiday. But un-like most self-employed people my job has enabled me to live the life most people dream of, don’t get me wrong it’s not ‘easy’ it’s very tiring, but it means I get to drive a nice new car, take my family on more than one holiday abroad each year & live in a nice house mortgage free.
I can’t guarantee that every horse we bet on will win, no service can promise that. But what I can promise you is that you will make a substantial profit if you follow my bets over a period of time.
I am an expert at what I do & when you sign up to my service you can be safe in the knowledge that you are betting alongside a professional who cares as much about his members as he does the results. If you would like to earn a decent income from betting on horse racing whether it be part time or full time you can join me by clicking here
We feature on racingbetter.co.uk & UK Horse Racing Directory